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About us .

Founder and owner Rob Hermens started the company in 2009 after working for a long time as an employee in various purchasing, sales and production positions within the fashion industry Factory 69.
Factory 69 placed production in Bangladesh, India and China for European brands and chain stores. Factory 69 was involved by supporting customers in the product development process, sourcing from the right factories, production guidance, transportation and import guidance all the way to delivery to the customer's central warehouse.
The brands Denim Heroes and Christiano Sgarbi were created within Factory 69 from the need and interest to develop own brands in Denim and related products.
After 6 years of production, the decision was made to convert the business activity to consultancy. Naturally, clothing production and all related activities were a major factor for consultancy. Always based on a high degree of technical knowledge, which guarantees added value at all times. With this change of activities, the name Factory 69 no longer fit and the name Racio Consultancy was born.
Racio is a contraction of ERA and  FACIO. ERA stands for time and FACIO stands for make or do. That is basically what Racio Consultancy offers. If you don't have the time to do certain activities, Racio Consultancy offers the solution by assisting you with those activities that you don't have enough time to do. If you do have the time but not enough in-house knowledge, Racio Consultancy offers a helping hand in the areas of work mentioned by making the accumulated experience and knowledge available.
The working areas have now expanded to more general business consultancy, project management and together with partner Open2Bizz we can offer full and high-quality support in the field of ERP Consultancy (Enterprise Resource Planning) - more specifically, implementation of Odoo.

Racio Consultancy - the multi solution