Our Brands .
We already wrote it, in recent years we have already set up and designed both our brands. This is one of the most fun subjects to deal with. It starts with the question: "What am I going to call the brand?". Who do you want to reach with your brand? Does the name cover how I want to present the brand? Is that important? How do I bring the brand to the attention of the customers I intend to serve with my products. Those questions don't stop there and you may not always have the answers yourself. Our experience is you can't always do everything yourself and maybe you shouldn't want to?
We are happy to brainstorm with you about how our process went and, in particular, what problems we encountered.
Denim Heroes
Jeans, but sustainable. Under the Denim Heroes label we can actually fulfill all wishes. Denim Heroes is 100% fairtrade. That is not a given in the fashion world.
We all hear the reports of excess production, polluting textile production, cotton cultivation using pesticides. With Denim Heroes we bring a product that stays very far from this. We use exclusively GOTS certified denim, which we source from all over the world. We work closely with Candiani Denim ,No. 1 in the world when it comes to responsible sustainable denim production.
From our production knowledge and experience, we have set up a fully responsible jeans production in collaboration with Athos Maastricht. Athos is a social enterprise that helps people with a distance to the labor market to discover their interests and talents and thus try to close their gap with the labor market.
We also use recycled sewing threads and have our buttons produced in a sustainable way.
Christiano Sgarbi
We are still thinking about how we will give substance to products other than denim under our Christiano Sgarbi label. As with Denim Heroes, we will also produce these products exclusively in a social and sustainable manner. As soon as we have news, we will announce it here. And of course on our socials.
Strings & Stitches
Strings & Stitches is meer een initiatief dan een merk. 3 vrienden, allemaal gek van denim en muziek willen samen meer bezig zijn met hun passies.
We willen graag meer in contact komen met mensen die deze passies delen en iets zoeken dat regulier niet te vinden is. Of dit nu over denim of over gitaren en muziek gaat.
OP onze locatie maken we zelf spijkerbroeken, T-shirts, Sweatshirts, enz. maar we werken ook aan gitaren en basgitaren - repareren, opknappen, uitbreiden.
Check de website voor eventuele evenementen die we organiseren op onze locatie in Beek.